Friday, 28 March 2014

Hello again.

I'm back!
I really like blogging. Well, I really like the idea of it. I have all these grand visions of writing these super interesting, genuinely thought-provoking, witty blog posts that like, everybody just fricken loves. Maybe I become internet famous. Maybe become an influential kind of person. Travel the world. Obtain fabulous hair. Crack a thousand followers on my insta. But then - every single time - I have a fit of self-induced insecurity and deem everything I've ever written to be horrendously, unread-ably awful; words which a blind, drunken, pissed off monkey could have written better than I- and I slink back to obscurity, bad haired and friendless.

There are more important things in life than writing a blog, I tell myself, whilst wishing I was writing a blog.

So dear friends, strangers, random lurkers and weirdos, my Dad; welcome. Here I am again, blog attempt eight hundred million, attempting this time not to be too hard on myself.

Peace out!
(Is that an appropriate way to sign off a blog post?)

Amber x

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